January Is The Biggest Job Hunting Time of the Year
January is here and it’s time to get your next job. Every year Q1 rolls around and budgets reset. Signaling the time to jump on the job search bandwagon and get your next opportunity.
Top 10 Sales Job Boards for 2020
Below is a compilation of my top 10 sales job boards in 2020. I cut out a bunch of the fluff that I saw in a lot of the sales job board listicles out there and just kept the meat.
Is AI Killing Job Search and Why Humans Still Matter
Is AI killing job search as South Korea looks to be quickly adopting AI for screening, filtering and generally getting rid of job and school applicants.
No One Really Cares About Your Work History
No one really cares about your work history. One of the worse and most persistent pieces of job interview, resume, and general career advise is the need to give potential hiring managers your entire work history. Even worse is starting from the beginning! WHY?! The general idea is that you are giving a complete view
Robot Wars: America vs Asia (kinda)
So you thought it was just you losing your job to a robot! The robot wars are just starting and Adidas has fired the first shot. By moving automated manufacturing from the US and Germany to China and Vietnam it signals the beginning of business as usual. Automating jobs will be driving the biggest changes
Google’s Job Search Tool Gets Complaints from Europe
Reuter’s just reported that the E.U. has received complaints from 23 job-hunting sites about Google’s job search tool. I have to be honest, it’s hard to care very much. Most job search sites provide very little value other than glorified classifieds. In reality, the only reason they exist is to tell user data for billions